What is the main cause of dementia?
The main cause of dementia is a condition known as Alzheimer’s disease which causes about 70% of dementia. Dementia due to Alzheimer’s occurs as a result of some protein deposits in the brain that cause death of our brain cells.
What is linked to dementia?
There is some link between certain lifestyle factors like smoking, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet are linked to certain types of dementia. It has also been found that infection, head injury and some medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension are also linked to dementia.
Who is prone to dementia?
Unhealthy lifestyle, medical conditions and even untreated depression are known to make a few people more prone to dementia. Aging itself is a factor that predisposes dementia. The older we gets the higher the risk. You can also be prone to a combination of these risk factors.
Is dementia hereditary?
Alzheimer’s dementia usually occurs in the above 65‘s. However in rare instances this may occur earlier than usual. Alzheimer’s dementia can run in families and can be inherited. Similarly, certain conditions such as Huntington’s chorea is inherited and causes dementia.
Is Alzheimer’s inherited from mother or father?
There has been research published in the journal Neurology in 2011 that says that in people whose mothers had dementia are at a higher risk of dementia than their fathers who had dementia. (Neurology, March 2011).
What foods cause dementia?
Highly processed food that contain high sugar, flavouring agents to enhance taste, preservatives, modern junk food that are high in saturated fats and carbohydrates can increase the risk of dementia in the long run. Alcohol use excessively can also lead to dementia.
Does drinking water prevent dementia?
Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day forms a part of a healthy life style. Though it may not directly prevent dementia, by contributing to an overall healthy lifestyle, being adequately hydrated by drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is important as a lifestyle package to prevent dementia.
Which is the number 1 food to prevent dementia?
Research show that foods that are rich in anti-oxidants are effective in preventing dementia. This includes greens, nuts, oily fish and berries especially blueberries.
What is the best vitamin for memory?
Several vitamins like vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, D and K are important in preventing dementia. But it appears that the best vitamin can be considered to be vitamin E in dementia. Research has also shown that Vitamin E can also improve memory in people with dementia.
Can Vitamin D reverse dementia?
Lack of Vitamin D is implicated in the development of dementia. Adequate vitamin D can to some extent prevent dementia and improve mental functions and memory.
Can Vitamin B 12 reverse dementia?
Vitamin B 12 has been implicated in cognitive decline but there is no evidence to suggest that it can prevent or reverse dementia. B12 along with other B vitamins can be safely taken in high doses and forms part of your healthy living lifestyle. Vitamin B 12 is found in eggs and fish and also can be bought as supplements.
Which supplement can prevent dementia?
It has been studied that ginseng may be helpful for you in slowing cognitive decline but you have to check with your doctor before taking any supplements as some supplements over long term can cause side effects.
Can coconut oil prevent dementia?
Coconut health has been studied in universities such as Oxford to see if it can prevent and reverse dementia. The benefits of coconut oil were proposed to be several fold. Firstly, it may offer you benefit as an anti-oxidant. It is also proposed to have benefits in providing you an alternative source of energy to the brain cells of people with dementia. However much more research is required before we conclude that coconut oil is effective in preventing and reversing dementia. We should keep in mind that coconut oil is high in fats and may contribute to a higher risk of heart disease.
Can omega 3 prevent dementia?
Omega 3, mainly found in oily fish has been known to be protective in cognitive decline and improve several brain functions. Taking oily fish 2 to 3 times a week can form part of your healthy lifestyle and diet though more evidence is required to confirm if it will prevent dementia on its own.
Can coffee prevent dementia?
There was a study conducted in Sweden known as the CAIDE study. This study showed that drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day in midlife decreased the risk of dementia by up to 65% in later life (Marjo et al 2009; Journal of Alzheimer’s disease vol 16; no 1; pp 85-91, 2009). Something to look forward to.
Can turmeric prevent dementia?
Turmeric is known to be an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. There are some ingredients in turmeric such as curcumin and turmerone that have been theoretically proposed to have benefits in preventing development of plaques.
Also, it has been proposed that the ingredients may cause growth of new brain cells. However more research and evidence are required to know for sure if it can prevent and reverse dementia and the amount of turmeric required for the purpose.
Can any particular type of job cause dementia?
As we already have seen, keeping one’s mind and body active can go a long way in putting off dementia. It has also been found that people who have jobs that require social interaction with other people do a lot better than people who work alone. It brings back a reminder about how important social interaction is. People who do lonely jobs can go out of the way to make socialising a part of their lives and as a hobby by joining classes of interest like yoga and tennis.
Can heart injury cause dementia?
A single injury to the head will not predispose to dementia. Repeated head injury due to a sports injury or boxing injury may predispose to dementia in the long run.
Can having high blood pressure and diabetes cause dementia?
Having high blood pressure and diabetes can predispose some people to certain types of dementia such as multi infarct / vascular dementia. Its best to control the parameters such as hypertension and diabetes as part of a healthy lifestyle. This will help control vascular dementia.
Does walking prevent dementia?
Walking and any form of exercise for about 30 minutes a day is very good for preventing mental health conditions including dementia.
Can having friends prevent dementia?
As mentioned earlier, socialising is a very important aspect of preventing dementia and jobs that involve socialising is known to help people from developing dementia. Having a healthy social life and activities that you do with friends can help as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Do brain exercises prevent dementia?
Anything that you don’t use, you will lose. This includes brain functions as well. Keeping active mentally and doing simple mental calculations in everyday shopping, solving riddles and puzzles can help prevent dementia.
Can sudoku prevent dementia?
Any kind of activity that improves brain functioning by keeping the various aspects of the brain active can help in preventing dementia. Suduko has been studied and found to be helpful in keeping dementia at bay.