Mindfulness retreats

  • Mindfulness classes on Saturdays and mindfulness retreats.
  • Mindfulness is an evidence based way to prevent relapses of depression, anxiety disorders and psychotic disorders.
  • It is derived from Buddhist traditions.
  • During 20 minutes of mindfulness it is noted by evidence that the prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex will be activated ensuring regulation of emotions and logicality. Whereas the amygdala and posterior cingulate cortex are deactivated.
  • Your stress resilience and awareness increases.
  • In a nutshell mindful state is when one is in the present moment , aware of internal and external experiences and approaches those experiences with non judgmental acceptance. Our regular mindfulness classes have now been popularly received. This will soon be extended to retreats very soon.

Mindfulness is popular in the west but it is not very commonly available to the public here. Just 20 minutes of mindfulness a day is known to reduce stress and to build our resilience to stress .
Now Chennai minds offers this unique one of a kind day retreats to equip you with skills to battle life’s stresses. Sign up to a day retreat of a total of 16 exercises with refreshments and lunch . Let us know if you have any further queries – CHENNAI MINDS TEAM.